Posted by En_Admin

November 2, 2021

Students as the nation’s intellectuals with the existing Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Education, Research, and Community Service) are expected to be able to respond to the challenge and the need in the future. The ability to adapt is needed in the millennial era in order to follow the trend of the times, especially for the students. Certainly, to get a great leader generation, you have to go through training that covers important aspects and points the generation’s needs. The Student Skill Management Training (LKMM) presented as the answer for improving the student managerial skills.

To build a generation of change or agent of change, Universitas Diponegoro had carried out an Intermediate Student Management and Skill Training (LKMM-TM) of 2021. The event was held for 3 days, starting from November 1 to 3, 2021. The participants were as many as 40 students from 11 faculties and 1 Vocational School. They had been certified Basic LKMM at the Universitas Diponegoro and had passed the series of selection stages.

The LKMM-TM program was expected to help the students gain insight into the condition of the environment to be analyzed. So that, it could reveal the challenges of environmental development and the need for an organization to realize these challenges; to be able to explain the vision, mission, and the value of the organization they designed into work programs which had realistic target corresponding to the condition. “Here and Now; and being able to implement the decision they had taken, being able to coordinate the group work in order to pursue the target that had been set.

On the first day, Prof. drh. Aris Junaidi, Ph.D (Director of Learning and Student Affairs Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology) brought a presentation on “Student Affairs Policy”. In his presentation, he said that LKMM was a program or activity designed as a provision of organizational managerial knowledge and skills for students especially those who were active in the organization and to equip the student with knowledge and skills of coordinating and building a work team within an institution. It was expected that students could be a leader who is authoritative and has technical capabilities that are under the expectations of society in the future.


Source: undip.ac.id