COMMVOICE 2021, a Talk-Listening Room for Lecturers and Students of Communication Sciences

Posted by Admin

October 26, 2021

COMMVOICE 2021 Digital Poster on Saturday, October 9, 2021.

Semarang—COMMVOICE 2021, which is an annual program of the Department of Advocacy and Student Welfare (Advokesma) of the Communication Sciences Student Association (HMPS Ilkom) was successfully held on Saturday (9/10) at 09.00 WIB through the Microsoft Teams.

The theme this year is Communicate, Disseminate, and Consolidate the Solution, which means that COMMVOICE 2021 is held to bridge aspirations and find solutions for the smooth running of lecture activities in the Communication Sciences Program.

The event was officially opened with remarks from S. Rouli Manalu as the Head of the S-1 Communication Science Study Program, then continued with the reading of the results of a survey of student opinions related to the lecture process by Kartika Conny and Febronia Jessica Inez as MC and Moderator.

The survey succeeded in collecting data from 119 anonymous Communication Science students who became respondents. There are five multiple choice questions related to lectures, including “Has the lecturer explained the material clearly?” to which the majority of respondents responded ‘yes’; “Is the lecturer interactive when explaining?” approved by 76.5% of respondents; “Assignment is less effective during online lectures” agreed by 49.6% of respondents; 44.5% of respondents agree that value transparency is well done; and 51.3% of respondents feel helped by the presence of a guardian lecturer.

Not only surveys in the form of questions, but the questionnaire also functions as a box for criticism and suggestions which is then divided into eight categories: platform utilization in KBM; variations in the provision of materials and assignments; presence attendance; value transparency; lecturer and student relationship; apprenticeship; exchanges; and appreciation.

After the presentation of the survey results, lecturers were given the opportunity to respond to existing criticisms and suggestions. This session was started by Amida Yusriana who responded to student criticism regarding the lack of interaction between lecturers and students because lectures only used Undip Kulon with recorded material from lecturers. According to Amida, she did this so as not to burden students in terms of internet quotas because virtual meetings certainly drain more quota than Kulon Undip. There is a recommendation from the university that lectures through Microsoft Teams only run for 15 minutes.

Muhammad Bayu Widagdo then responded regarding the task of participating in competitions that were considered burdensome by some students. Bayu said that the assignment was useful for students to add to their portfolios and to know their abilities. This was also supported by the Head of the Study Program of Communication Sciences, who at the same time responded to student criticism regarding assignments in the form of a Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposal that seemed to force students to enter Pimnas.

“Don’t see the task as a burden, but see it as an opportunity to be tested by external parties,” said Rouli.

Nurul Hasfi as the Head of the Department responded to student suggestions regarding requests for the elimination of collaboration or group-based assignments because they felt burdened by group assignments in online lectures.

“This group assignment is a form of competence and goals that students want to form, whether they are able to work in groups and face the challenges of group assignments that occur during this pandemic. Maybe it can be reduced, but it cannot be eliminated,” said Nurul.

At 12.00, COMMVOICE 2021 was closed by Rouli’s closing statement reminding students not to hesitate to communicate obstacles or obstacles to lecturers so that learning can run better.

“The presentation from the previous lecturer was not for self-defense, but for sharing perspectives and trying to build an open discussion. All the tasks and activities given by the study program are for the benefit of the students together,” concluded Rouli.

Author: Dinda Khansa Berlian

Reporter: Salsabila Febryanti

Editor: Annisa Qonita Andini