Registration For Additional KIP-K Batch II For New Students Of The 2021/2022 Academic Year

Posted by En_Admin

September 16, 2021

Hereby we announce that there is still a quota for the 2021 KIP Kuliah Scholarship. Therefore, we open up the registration for additional KIPK batch II with the following requirements:

  1. Accredited (A, B, or C) Undergraduate/Diploma study programs’ new students of the 2021/2022 Academic Year who come from a low-income family (not Civil Servant/Military/Police) and are graduates of senior high school in 2019, 2020, and 2021 (including students from study programs which just got Good accreditation (4-year Diploma program of Management and Logistic Administration and Applied Foreign Language may apply again).
  2. Fill out and complete the KIP-K registration document through
  3. Sign up through the SSO account (Scholarship Application) of respective students.
  4. Upload the file:
  • Copy of the Student ID Card, Family Card, KKS, KIP (for those who already have it, and those who have not it may fill it with 0 and upload the SKTM on the attachment section).
  • Certificate of Incapacity (SKTM) from the urban village officer;
  • Parents/guardian’s income letter issued by the workplace/urban village;
  • Copy of the electricity bill payment;
  • Copy of parents/guardian’s Land and Building Tax (PBB) (those who have not PBB may replace it with a certificate from the Neighbourhood/Hamlet/Urban village officer)
  • Picture of the house (whole façade and living room)


According to that, students are required to meet all the registration requirements. The registration can be done through the SSO account (Scholarship Application) of respective students no later than September 19, 2021.

