Phalosa.idn: An Effort To Grow The Business Spirit Through Independent Study Project

Posted by En_Admin

August 20, 2021

Logo of Phalosa.idn

(Image: Fikrii)

Semarang—The Independent Study organized by the Communication Science Program at Universitas Diponegoro in 2021 has attracted students to participate in it. To realize this Independent Study project, the study program collaborates with the Communication Science Student Association (HMPS), especially the Community Service Division.

Through this program, the study program provides opportunities for students to plan a community service project that is run in groups. Each group that has submitted an Independent Study proposal to the study program will get the funding to run the program they put forward in the proposal.

One of the teams that managed to get the funding from the study program was Phalosa.idn. As the head of the four team members, Tyara Marshanda, a student of Communication Science of 2020, explained that the programs they will run in this Independent Study project are related to business development. This is in accordance with the purpose of the establishment of Phalosa.idn.

“The goal is to inspire young Indonesians, especially to do business, to build the Indonesian economy, and we want to support the 8th point of the SDGs movement to improve the economy,” said Tyara.

As one of Tyara’s partners in running Phalosa.idn, Alifia Putri Nabila, a 2020 Communication Science student also explained that the purpose of establishing Phalosa.idn was to encourage people to dare to start a business.

“Providing understanding and knowledge to the Indonesian people about doing business or starting a business, as well as being a stimulus to the community to dare to take a step to become entrepreneurs at a young age because there is a mindset that business is difficult,” she explained.

Targeting the development of MSME business as their main focus, Phalosa.idn also cooperates with one of the MSMEs owned by Undip students as their partner. Various activities are developed by Phalosa.idn to foster business interest in oneself.

“There are three activities. First, coaching class, it is held for children under 17 years old. Here, the speaker, Hasna Humaira, who is a partner and founder of Ethnic Accessories Semarang, will explain the basic materials for doing business at a young age which will also be provided with a digital logbook that can be filled in by participants, “said Alifia.

In addition, Alifia also explained that Phalosa.idn will also hold several workshops to provide insight into the business world.

“Session one of the workshop will explain about business material, the basics of doing business, and a good business model. The second session of the workshop will discuss on the marketing, how products can be promoted optimally using the tools they have. Third, a marketing competition that will be open for public,” she continued.

Through the contents published on Instagram and workshops that will be held by Phalosa.idn, Tyara hoped that the younger generation in the era of society 5.0 couold take advantage of their potential and take all opportunities to do business so that MSMEs can reach a wider network.

“I, as the chairman of Phalosa.idn myself, am targeting our content can hopefully build a business spirit for the younger generation,” she concluded.

Writer: Salsabila Febryanti

Reporter: Dinda Khansa Berlian / Kartika Conny Brilliant Dwikananda

Editor: Annisa Qonita Andini

