Scholarship: Outstanding Community, Staff Of Kemendikbudristek, Person With Disability

Posted by En_Admin

July 5, 2021


The Excellent Scholarship for Outstanding Society is a domestic scholarship for Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral programs. Those who can participate in The Excellent Outstanding Community Scholarship are the prospective students who already have a letter of acceptance at a university or students who have held the lectures for a maximum of 2 semesters at the time of registration.

The Excellent Scholarship for Outstanding Community will be given to those who:

  1. Have International or National achievement
  2. Have contributed to the nation’s competitiveness in all fields


  1. preferably those who have a certificate that proves the academic/non-academic achievements at international and/or national levels;
  2. obtain recommendations from related institutions;
  3. not currently receiving similar scholarships from other sources; and
  4. accepted at a domestic university that has been accredited B/Very Good.



  1. Have a maximum age of 22 years for new students or a maximum of 23 years for those who are currently studying;
  2. Fill out the National Examination (UN) and National Standard School Examination (USBN) scores for domestic graduate students;
  3. For students at the undergraduate level who are currently studying and have a minimum GPA of 3.25 on a scale of 4.00; and
  4. Written work in the form of an essay in Bahasa, with the following conditions:
  • Title/theme: “I am the Excellent Generation of the Pride of the Indonesian”;
  • Written essay in Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.



  1. Have a maximum age of 32 years for new students or a maximum of 33 years for those who are currently studying;
  2. Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for students who have just been accepted at universities or student status certificates from the dean or post director for on-going students at domestic universities;
  3. Have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.25 on a 4.00 scale for both new and ongoing students;
  4. Preferably for students who have English language skills with a minimum score of TOEFL ITP 550/IBT 61 or IELTS 6.0; and
  5. Make a study plan proposal containing the reasons for taking the study program and a final project/thesis research plan;
  6. Written work in the form of an essay in Bahasa, with the following conditions:
  • The theme of the essay is related to what has been done for the nation;
  • Written essay in Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.



  1. Have a maximum age of 40 years for new students or a maximum of 41 years for those who are currently studying;
  2. Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for students who have just been accepted at universities or student status certificates from the dean or post director for on-going students at domestic universities;
  3. Have a minimum master GPA of 3.25 on a 4.00 scale for both new and ongoing students;
  4. Preferably for students who have English language skills with a minimum score of TOEFL ITP 550/IBT 61 or IELTS 6.0; and
  5. make a study plan proposal containing the reasons for taking the study program and a final project research plan (dissertation).
  6. Written work in the form of an essay in Bahasa, with the following conditions:
  • The theme of the essay is related to what has been done for the nation;
  • Written essay in Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.

Scholarship Files Completeness:

  1. Identity Card (KTP)
  2. Student Identity Card (only for On-Going)
  3. Unconditional LoA (for On-Going, please replace it with student status certificate)
  4. Last Study Result Card (KHS) (only for On-Going)
  5. The latest degree certificate and lacademic transcript
  6. TOEFL/IELTS certificate (TOEFL/IELTS for Undergraduate degree is not required)
  7. Study plan proposals (courses and credits plans per semester that will be taken until the completion of the study, what topics will be written in the thesis/thesis/dissertation, description of activities outside of the lectures that will be carried out during the study and how to implement the learning outcomes in the community)
  8. Letter of recommendation from the academic community or related institution (download the format here)
  9. Statement letter of not currently receiving similar scholarships from other sources (download the format here)
  10. Achievement certificate with a minimum at the district level
  11. Essay in Bahasa with the title:
    Undergraduate: “I am the Excellent Generation of the Pride of the Indonesian“,
    Master Program: Thing that has been done for the nation,
    Written essay in Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.


The Staff of Kemendikbudristek Scholarship is the provision of scholarships to civil servants within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to continue their Masters or Doctoral education at domestic or abroad through a study assignment mechanism.

This Scholarship Program can be implemented individually which is proposed by the main unit or collectively based on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology needs.

For teachers, please apply for the Excellent Outstanding Community Scholarship. This scholarship cannot be participated by on-going student employees.


  1. a State Civil Apparatus at Kemdikbudristek;
  2. proposed by a Pratama leader official or echelon II of the work unit;
  3. obtain approval for the assignment to study according to the laws and regulations;
  4. recommendations from the leader related to the field of study taken in accordance with the needs of the organization; and
  5. preferably for those with good performance.



  1. Maximum age of 37 years;
  2. Accepted at a university in Indonesia with institutional accreditation and a study program of at least B/Very Good or a university abroad recognized by the Indonesian government;
  3. Minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale; and
  4. Preferably those with TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, IELTS 6.0 for domestic university, while for overseas with TOEFL ITP 550/IBT 79, IELTS 6.5.



  1. Maximum age is 40 years;
  2. Accepted at a university in Indonesia with institutional accreditation and a study program of at least B/Very Good or a university abroad recognized by the Indonesian government;
  3. Minimum GPA of 3.25 on a 4.00 scale; and
  4. Preferably those with TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, IELTS 6.0 for domestic university, while for overseas with TOEFL ITP 550/IBT 79, IELTS 6.5.


  1. Identity Card (KTP).
  2. Unconditional LoA.
  3. The latest degree certificate and academic transcript.
  4. TOEFL/IELTS certificate.
  5. Study plan proposal.
  6. Letter of recommendation from main unit official or echelon II level.
  7. Kemendikbud employee statement letter (download the format here).
  8. Medical certificate.
  9. SKP.


Excellent Scholarships for Person with Disability is a domestic scholarship for Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral programs that is given to Students with Disabilities in accordance with various types including:

  • A person with Physical Disability;
  • A person with Intellectual Disability;
  • A person with Mental Disability; and/or
  • A person with Sensory Disability

Those who can take the Excellence Scholarship for Person with Disability are prospective students who already have a letter of acceptance at a university or students who have held lectures for a maximum of 2 semesters at the time of registration.

Excellence Scholarship for Person with Disability is given to those who:

  1. have achievement in academic and/or non-academic fields;
  2. have contributed to the nation’s competitiveness in all fields


  1. preferably those who have a certificate that proves the academic/non-academic achievement;
  2. have a certificate from a doctor/expert/and/or relevant institution stating or explaining as a Person with Disability in accordance with the Variety of Person with Disability;
  3. obtain recommendations from related institutions;
  4. not currently receiving similar scholarships from other sources;
  5. accepted at an accredited domestic university; and
  6. signed a statement stating that the person concerned is included in the student with a disability.



  1. Have a maximum age of 36 years;
  2. Have Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for students who have just been accepted at universities or student status certificates from the dean or post director for on-going students at domestic universities;
  3. Written essay in Bahasa with the theme related to what has been done for the nation, with the following conditions:
    An essay is written on Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.



  1. Have a maximum age of 43 years;
  2. Have Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for students who have just been accepted at universities or student status certificates from the dean or post director for on-going students at domestic universities;
  3. Written essay in Bahasa with the theme related to what has been done for the nation, with the following conditions:
    An essay is written on Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.

Scholarship Requirements Completeness:

  1. Identity Card (KTP)
  2. Student Identity Card (only for On-Going)
  3. Unconditional LoA (for On-Going, please replace it with student status certificate)
  4. Last Study Result Card (KHS) (only for On-Going)
  5. The latest degree certificate and academic transcript
  6. a certificate from a doctor/expert/and or relevant institution stating or explaining as a Person with Disability in accordance with the Variety of Person with Disability.
  7. Letter of recommendation from the academic community or related institution (download the format here)
  8. Statement letter of not currently receiving similar scholarships from other sources (download the format here)
  9. Statement letter stating that the person concerned is included in the student with disability (download the format here).
  10. Achievement certificate in academic and/or non-academic.
  11. Written essay in Bahasa related to thing that has been done for the nation. The essay is written on Requirement File form with a minimum of 1500 words.


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