FISIP UNDIP’s Master of Business Administration, International Standard Program with Complete Scheme

Posted by En_Admin

May 7, 2021

SEMARANG – Master of Business Administration (Mabis) Study Program FISIP Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) which just opened in the Academic Year 2020/2021 immediately hit on the pedal by accepting 49 students to be trained to become the professionals in the field of ethical business administration and who have good governance. During the student admission for the first batch, Mabis immediately opened a complete educational scheme or study path, namely by research and by course.

Mabis Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Undip was designed to produce graduates who had the ability to develop the science, technology and arts in the business field and were able to make strategic decisions regarding various functions in business organizations, and produce innovative products. Mabis Undip’s graduates were entitled to hold a Masters in Business Administration (MAB) which was better known internationally as an MBA.

Vice Dean I of FISIP UNDIP, Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol. Admin, said that the Mabis Study Program was designed to meet the international standards. For this reason, in the first batch alone there were 8 foreign students or 16% of the total students accepted in this program. “They came from India, Madagascar, Sierra Leona, Timor Leste, Nigeria and Bangladesh,” Teguh Yuwono, Thursday (6/5/2021).

The FISIP Undip Mabis Program was multi-entry. So, it was not only intended for bachelors of business administration, but was open to graduates of other study programs such as economics, law, social, politics, education, culture, even science and engineering. “The important thing is to fulfill the stipulated requirements and pass the entrance test,” he emphasized.

Regarding the education scheme in the Undip Mabis Study Program, Teguh emphasized that the decision was an answer to the need for an education pathway that was in accordance with the real needs. A standard pathway known as by coursework was provided for students who wanted to study by taking courses for 2 semesters, and then to write a thesis. Whereas, the by research pathway was known as the pathway without lectures. In Mabis, it was still required to take the Research Methods and Philosophy courses as the provision for writing a thesis and writing in Indexed International Journal or Sinta National Journal 2 as required. “For by research, we open a fast track pattern where the bachelor can directly enter the Masters level,” he added.

All pathways still refered to the semester credit system (SKS) with the obligation to reach 40 credits, divided into 3-4 semesters and each semester with a duration of 4 months. By this design, it was expected that students would be able to complete their studies within 12-16 months.

Even though it was a new study program, Mabis FISIP Undip was strengthened by 3 professors, namely Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, PhD; Prof. Dr. Naili Farida; and Prof. Dr. Ari Pradhanawati. The other 10 permanent lecturers had obtained the doctoral degree or doctoral qualifications. Apart from the internal factor, Mabis Undip was also supported by the teaching staff from practitioners who had relevant experiences and competencies. These practitioners included Alvin Lie (Entrepreneur and Commissioner of Ombusdman RI); Sarwono Sudharto (Former PLN Finance Director), Erry Akbar Panggabean (Senior Vice President Marketing and Business Development PT. Pelindo III); as well as several entrepreneurs within the Central Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The interesting part was that this program offered a concentration of Creative Industry, Leadership and Corporate Sustainability, Tourism and Hospitality, Global Logistics and SCM which were a sector that were currently developing nationally and internationally.

The FISIP Mabis Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Undip Rector Number 222 / UN7.P / HK / 2020 concerning the Opening of the Master Program (S2) Business Administration Study Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, which was set on March 3rd, 2020. “Even though it is new, this program is a mainstay and is very promising for entrepreneurs and executives in corporations and public institutions who want to complement their abilities with ethical business administration expertise, “he said. (PR team)
