Dinda Ayu Arrafi’u Nilna Munaa (Chairman of the Diponegoro Theater): Kartini Nowadays Must Be Able To Appreciate And Express Herself

Posted by En_Admin

April 22, 2021

Talking about Raden Ajeng Kartini, of course there are many questions about the extent of the role of women today. Kartini was able to promote and fight for women’s rights in Indonesia again. She became a hero of women’s emancipation. So that, women were recognized as equal with men and could take part in various fields of work.

For Dinda Ayu Arrafi’u Nilna Munaa, Student of the Social and Political Sciences Faculty (FISIP), Department of Governance Science, Universitas Diponegoro as well as the Chairman of the Diponegoro Theater, the Kartini Day is a reminder that women have the same rights and opportunities as men to keep growing and learning. “Women must emulate Kartini’s character which is able to be an inspiration for others. We, as the younger generation, must continue to work in accordance with our respective fields. As the present Kartini with the status of a student, we should continue to move unyielding in our studies, have a passion for learning, think critically and creatively in order to achieve our goals, ” she said.

“We have to be independent women, from small things. For example, not being hesitate to convey or express our opinions, having the courage to make decisions and being responsible for the mandate we carry,” she said. “Do not be afraid of prejudice or the assumption that women are not suitable to be the leader, we must show the quality of leadership as well as possible in order to be an example for others,” she continued.

Dinda hoped that in the current state of the Covid pandemic, as the present Kartini, women should not lose the ideas to create works, in any condition we must be able to produce works and be helpful to others. “Let us raise the spirit of Kartini, every woman has great and extraordinary potential to participate in advancing the nation and state. I think Kartini today is Kartini who is able to appreciate and express herself and respect herself and others, without leaving her nature as a woman, “she concluded. (Linda-Public Relations)

Source : undip.ac.id