Filling Out the Performance of Research and Community Service at Universitas Diponegoro in 2020

Posted by En_Admin

April 14, 2021

Hereby we inform to all Deans of the UNDIP’s Faculties that in order to follow up the letter from the Ministry of Research and Technology /BRIN No. B/31/E2.4/RS.04/2021 regarding Filling out the Performance of Research and Community Service at Higher Education in 2020, please provide the lecturers’ research and community service data in the faculty as the material for filling out the Performance of Research and Community Service at Universitas Diponegoro in 2020. The format of the stuffing has been presented in the following attachment.

The data of the research and community service will be sent through the e-mail:  along with the softcopy (supporting files) no later than April 21st, 2021. For further informatin, please contact Hanjar Setyowati, S.Kom on the phone number : 085735559475. Thank you for the attantion and cooperation.

Attachment:   1. 2020 Research Form        |         2. 2020 Community Service Form


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