The 2021 Open Selection of Primary High Leadership Candidates, Universitas Diponegoro

Posted by En_Admin

April 8, 2021

According to the announcement Number: 01/UN7.PAN/TU/2021, Universitas Diponegoro will hold the 2021 Open Selection of Primary High Leadership Candidates with the formation of the position of the Head of the Administration for Innovation, Cooperation, Foreign Relations and Accreditation (BAIKLA) with the number of 1 (one) person.

This position is responsible for the implementation of the provision of the administrative service in the field of research and innovation results, cooperation, and institution accreditation and other duties set by the Rector in order to achieve the Undip’s vision.

The general requirements are having the status of a Civil Servant (PNS); loyal to the Pancasila; the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; maximum of 56 (fifty six) years old by June 2021; with minimum educational qualification Bachelor (S1)

Meanwhile, the special requirements are holding the structural position as minimum as the administrator, and or Manager or JF for Intermediate Expert (Ahli Madya) level group IV / b for a minimum of 2 (two) years (for applicants with the Functional Position as the Intermediate Expert are required to upload the competency level certificate) and had Passed the Leadership Training Level III (proven by the copy of the certificate) for those who have one.

For further information regarding the general and special requirements of the issue, please check and download HERE.

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