Mochamad Arief Budihardjo: HR development Is A long Process That Requires A Sustainable Commitment

Posted by En_Admin

April 3, 2021

The success of a college is not only rated by the number of the buildings or facilities it has. However, the more important thing is the contribution in producing competent human resources who are highly competitive at the national and international levels, including producing and applying the science and technology for the society. The task of the Universitas Diponegoro’s Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) is certainly not easy in developing the human resources that are creative, innovative, productive and competitive or have high competitiveness.

“In general, the goal of developing the human resources in college is expected to have qualified people or team to achieve the goals of the higher education, it means to improve the performance and growth of the human resources” this was conveyed by the Head of the BPSDM Undip, Mochamad Arief Budihardjo, ST, M.Eng.Sc, Env.Eng, Ph.D in an interview, on Wednesday (31/3).

“In improving the human resources of the lecturers and educational staff, Undip has provided opportunities for lecturers to continue their education at a higher level by providing the Undip scholarships. This Undip scholarship is extraordinary because it provides the opportunities for the study assignments not only domestically but also abroad with an attractive scholarship component, which of course competitive by going through the requirements, stages and the selection process. Meanwhile, for the educational staff who play an important role as a driving force for service, Undip also provides scholarships for the study assignments or study permits as well as competency enhancement trainings, including training on drafting regulations or decrees and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training which are useful to equip and also improve the skills, ”he explained.

Related to the steps or strategies taken by the BPSDM to support Undip towards the World Class University, he conveyed that there were several strategies undertaken by Undip in developing the human resources. For example, the staff mobility or collaboration with the foreign lecturers, where the focus was on producing the innovative research in sufficient numbers and continuously. “Collaboration certainly involves other countries so what needs to be improved is the ability to master the foreign languages, both verbal and written,” he said.

“Human Resource development is a long challenging process. Thus, it needs endurance and sustainable commitment. The purpose of developing the Human Resource is not to change the quality Human Resource as fast as possible, yet to do the Human Resource transformation elegantly. For instance, the policy on the welfare of the Undip’s staff. We believe that welfare is not just about the financial matter, but it is also about the time when we do our duty and work with sufficient ability to handle the jobs” he said.

The Human Resource as well as the science and technology produced by the higher education institution will be the priceless wealth and the asset to face every change in the global arena. The Human resource development cannot be separated from the effort to improve the technical, theoretical, conceptual, and moral abilities according to the needs through the education and training.

Undip’s BPSDM has the important role since its duties are to carry out the competence, advisability and decency tests / make plan and carry out the educational service / as well as the training in order to improve the ability, expertise, skills, and ethics / as well as the preparation and implementation of the policy in the field of human resource development in the UNDIP’s environment, where those duties are for the improvement and enhancement of a better Undip’s Human Resource. (Linda-Humas)
