Laina (A Madagascar Undip’s Student): Rusunawa and Undip Are The Important Part In Her Life Process

Posted by En_Admin

March 25, 2021

Rumah Susun Mahasiswa (Rusunawa) Universitas Diponegoro is one of the facilities provided by the Universitas Diponegoro for the students who meet the applicable regulations. Each year, Universitas Diponegoro has received new students from various regions, even from abroad.

According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, there are three centers of the education, namely: family, school, and the society. Rusunawa may represents the two of those centers of the education, the family and society. The life in the Rusunawa is seen as the family life. There is the interaction among its residents as is the interaction among siblings. Meanwhile, the interaction between the resident and the Rusunawa’s administrator can be seen as the interaction between the child and the parents. The residents of the Rusunawa come from various regions or nations with different culture and characteristics. The interactions in this heterogeneity has been the portrayal of the life in the society itself.

Lalaina Tienh Andriamampionona is one of the foreign students who comes from Madagascar. She stays in the Undip Rusunawa and is completing her Doctoral study at the Doctoral Program of Social Science Undip with the concentration on the Political Science. Through this interview on Tuesday (23/3), the student known as Laina, shared her experience on staying at the Undip Rusunawa and her activities on studying at Undip.

“I first came at Undip in 2016, at that time I could not speak Bahasa at all and was still confused, yet my Indonesian friends who also stayed in Rusunawa were very friendly, they often greeted me, and in the end we got familiar. They invited me to take a walk around the Undip and even introduced me to some places in Semarang, all of that things had made me feel comfortable and gain more friends” she said.

“For me, Rusunawa and Undip are places which I will always remember, before I join the Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang or Developing Countries Partnership program, even though I had the chance to choose another university, but my heart had been directly interested on Undip, then I looked for the information about the Undip’s profile on the internet, and the urge to choose Undip as my choice to study had been getting bigger” she continued.

According to Laina, Undip’s Rusunawa as her home during her living in Indonesia, had given her the best experience, the security was granted, a condusive places to learn, the caring administrators. “During this Pandemic, we had rarely activities in Rusunawa, so we could be more focused to learn and do the assigments” said this female student who is good at playing the guitar. She hoped that in the future the facilities and activities of the students in Rusunawa will be improved. So that, the students will be more comfortable.

“Undip is the important thing in my life, where I can widely open my eyes about the real life, not only from the academic side but the life experience to stay away from my home country” she said. “I hope that we as the young generation should recognize our visions of life, we should not waste our chances, be wise in living our life. One of which by setting our target. We may start by managing ourselves, deciding what science we will learn or field to be master on. So that, we will not be the generation that just follow the stream, but those who are always keep the spirit on facing various challenges” She said.

“In the effort to support Undip to be the World Class University, as the student, we must improve our communication skill in English, one of which by creating communities to learn the English or sharing various sciences to increase our knowledge” she concluded. (Linda-Humas)

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