During the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all activities in various sectors of life were carried out online, including teaching and learning activities. Likewise, one of the programs organized by Universitas Diponegoro for its new students for the Academic Year of 2020/2021, called the PENDIKAR (Character Education) Program which did not lose its essence even though it was carried out online. The program, which aimed to shape the students’ character to be individuals with superior abilities and good morals, was held for three days on January 18th, – January 20th, 2020. In the closing ceremony of the PENDIKAR UNDIP Program for the Academic Year of 2020/2021 on Wednesday (20/1). The event was attended by the Vice Rector for the Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D, the Dean of Faculties / Schools, the Head of Bureau, the Head of PENDIKAR Organizers, and the PENDIKAR supervisors.
The event was began with a report on PENDIKAR activities by Drs. Handojo Djoko Waloejo who served as the Director of Student and Career Affairs. He expressed his gratitude for the cooperation of all parties. So that, the event went very well and for the high enthusiasm of the PENDIKAR participants. Then, the representatives of the new students also conveyed their impressions and messages during the PENDIKAR activities. “This activity is very useful because the material provided will be useful for the lectures and in life. From this character education, I learned the importance of a strong self-branding in creating high credibility. This activity also teaches us to be more ethical, because in life the ability to adapt is the main thing,” said Dimas Alexander as the new student representative from the Vocational School.
Marjo, S.H., M.Hum., the supervisors of the PENDIKAR program expressed his gratitude for the success of the PENDIKAR event, which was the result of a good communication between the facilitators, new students, and the lecturers. Calling it “Tough, Adaptive, Intelligent, and Ethical”, this PENDIKAR Program could be used as an adjustment to the learning process and guidelines for the students to always uphold the heroic values of Pangeran Diponegoro. The event was continued with remarks from Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D as the First Vice Rector for the Academic and Student Affairs. He congratulated the new students who had completed a series of PENDIKAR activities. Prof. Budi hoped that the knowledge gained in the PENDIKAR program could be an insight. So that, students could develop the ability to spot problems, and think creatively and out of the box in solving these problems. Creative and innovative ideas were needed by the community, government, and the business world. So, he hoped that the UNDIP graduates would easily get success in the future. For this reason, Universitas Diponegoro had prepared two career development patterns for its students. The first pattern was where students could project themselves as the job creators and entrepreneurs, who would be guided through the Entrepreneurship Clinic and Business Incubation and would later be adjusted to their respective disciplines. The second pattern was a coaching program as a jobseeker in agencies or companies through the UCC (Undip Career Center), which provided information for job vacancies and even talent scouting when students were about to graduate. “Universitas Diponegoro will also open a marketplace called the UNDIP Mart, and students can become the shop owners or open businesses through the marketplace to be independent students. Please discuss it with the Head of Study Program or Lecturers, we are ready to provide any counsel “, concluded Prof. Budi.
The event was closed by taking a group photo through the Microsoft Teams application. It was hoped that the series of the PENDIKAR Program activities could provide knowledge for the students of Universitas Diponegoro and be useful for the academic life as well as the living in the wider community.
Source : undip.ac.id