The Postgraduate And Profession’s Even Semester Exams 2020 Batch 2

Posted by En_Admin

January 15, 2021

We’d like to announce to all prospective participants of the Ujian Mandiri selection of the Even Semester 2020 Batch 2 for the Postgraduate and Profession program, regarding the implementation as follows:

  1. The online Academic Potential Test (TPA) will be held on Sunday, January 17th2021 at 08.00 GMT+7
  2. The online English test will be held on Sunday, January 17th2021 at 10.30 GMT+7
  3. The online Majoring exams / online interviews will be held according to the schedule of each study program
  4. The mechanism of the TPA, English and the Majoring exams will be monitored by the ZOOM  apps. Therefore, all participants must join the ZOOM meeting to report their attendances (Password for join the meeting is stated on the attendee card)
  5. Participants are not required to come to Undip for the TPA / English / Majoring Exams, since everything will be carried out online
  6. Accounts for the implementation of the online exams can be accessed through the website All participants can do a trial exams starting on Saturday, January 16th2021 using the format user: Participant Number, and the format Password: Date of Birth.


Further information on Study Program and Exams’  schedule can be download here.

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