Jakarta Excellent Student Card (KJMU) Offering

Posted by En_Admin

September 24, 2020

Jakarta Excellent Student Card (KJMU) is a program that gives Education Quality Improvement Funds assistance for prospective/students of a State University from a low-income family and those who have the good academic potential to increase the access and opportunity to study at a State University with full funding from the Local Government Budget (APBD) Funding of Special Capital District of Jakarta Province.

The provision of the education quality improvement funds assistance for students of State Universities is as follows:

  1. Increasing the access and opportunities to study at State Universities for learners from low-income families and are having good academic potential.
  2. Giving the education quality improvement funds assistance for prospective students who meet the criteria to get an education at Diploma/Bachelor program until the end and on time
  3. Improving the public education quality, and
  4. Motivating the learners to improve their achievement and competitiveness.


For further information, please visit kjp.jakarta.go.id

Poster of KJMU


Source : bak.undip.ac.id