KIP-K Scholarship

Posted by En_Admin

September 21, 2020

Corresponding the letter from the Education Financing Service Center Ministry of Education and Culture number: 0578/J5/BP/2020 dated July 3, 2020 concerning the main issue of the letter, we hereby convey that there is still a quota of the Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP-K) of 2020 scholarship recipient with the following conditions:

  1. New students of Bachelor and Diploma programs of 2020/2021 Academic Year who graduated in 2019 and 2020
  2. Fill in and complete the KIP-K registration documents through
  3. Copy of the student card (KTM) / the temporary one, ID card, Family card (KK), KKS, Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) (for those who had already held it)
  4. Recommendation letter of financial condition (SKTM) issued by the urban village office;
  5. Students with Tuition category 1 and 2
  6. Certificate of parents’ income issued by related institution/urban village office;
  7. Legalized copy of the academic report of semesters 1 to 5 by the school headmaster;
  8. Copy of the electricity bill
  9. Copy of parents/guardian’s property tax (those who do not hold any property tax may replace it with a certificate issued by the neighbourhood/hamlet/urban village officer)
  10. Photo of the house (overall front view and living room)

Registration process through the SSO account (Form Application) of respective students should be no later than September 30, 2020. Registrants will be selected and those who meet the requirements will be proposed to the Ministry of Education and Culture to receive the KIP-K scholarship.

