192 Proposals for UNDIP Student Creativity Program (PKM) Passed by DIKTI Funding in 2021

Posted by En_Admin

News | PKM

May 7, 2021

Universitas Diponegoro managed to be in the fifth place based on the results of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposal selection for funding in the 2021 fiscal year by Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti), with the first place was Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) with 348 proposals, the second place was Institut Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as many as 298 proposals, the third place was Bogor Agricultural institute (IPB) had 244 proposals, the fourth was Universitas Brawijaya (UB) with 236 proposals, and followed by Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) in the fifth place with 192 proposals.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro contributed the most on PKM proposals funded by Dikti, with 50 proposals, followed by the Faculty of Science and Mathematics with 31 proposals, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences with 28 proposals, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture 22 proposals, Faculty of Economics and Business and Medical with 15 proposals each, Faculty of Psychology with 9 proposals, Faculty of Public Health with 8 proposals, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with 5 proposals, Faculty of Humanities and Vocational School with 4 proposals each, and Faculty of Law with 1 proposal.

Congratulations to Students and Supervisors whose PKM proposals were successfully funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) in 2021.

Furthermore, Universitas Diponegoro will carry out the Internal Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) to prepare the students to face the external Monev which will be carried out by Dikti, and then it will be determined how many teams are entitled to go to the 34th National Student Scientific Week 2021 (PIMNAS 34).

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Source: bak.undip.ac.id